All Things Ukrainian Dating Culture
Meeting our one true love wherever or however it happened is beautiful enough. But add in the fact that you met them outside of your home country, in a place where you didn’t expect would happen, is enough to compel you to believe in the power of fate. It’s like the universe telling us that kismets exist if you only have faith in it. True enough, dating a Ukrainian single will make you want to believe in the beauty of fate. This is because they generally make excellent life and love. But trying out the Ukrainian dating culture may not be easy. It has its fair share of downside and…
The Bliss and Miseries of Open Relationships
You’d know your relationship is strong when you’re okay with the mundane, the ordinary, the basic. But like anything else today, relationships need spice and creativity so couples don’t become too bored with each other. And people nowadays have been thinking of ingenious ways to manage this; among the most famous are open relationships. In open relationships, couples give each other a hall pass to date other people. That is considering they follow each other’s rules. The Bliss and Miseries of Open Relationships Opening up the subject of open relationships can be a hit-and-miss affair. You could either excite or disappoint your partner merely for asking them about it. Each…
Should You Be Talking To Your Ex?
We’ve all had our hearts broken by someone who once was our everything. Someone with whom we created a life together and promised each other to stick around no matter what. That’s why losing them stings. Post-breakup, many people succeed and completely move on from their ex. The reason? They started talking to their ex and found the closure they needed. Meanwhile, others have remained in the endless and impractical cycle. One reason? They start talking to their ex. So what exactly is the recipe to follow? Should you be talking to your ex? This question right here is a no-brainer: it’s best not to stay friends, at least for…
Surefire Ways to a Successful Double Date
Going out on a date with your significant other is lovely and delightful, but a double date with your favorite couple might be perfect if you’re running out of date ideas. In addition to that, being on a double date is exciting, especially when you do it with your best set of friends. Double dating with your favorite couple may feel like the two of you are going out on a date with them. Sure, you wouldn’t want to have sex with Chandler and Monica at the end of your double date. But it’s likely for you two to talk about how you both enjoyed the night and wonder if…